I would like to invite you into my world.
I world, where people listen to each other and appreciate
in another what they themselves might not have yet.
I sing about a world where we are truly fellow human beings.
I dream of a world that I more and more experience as reality.
Guessous Meshi
A special creative process
Most of the album (13 songs), published by TomTom Records, was born after years of a special creative process. After experiencing the method of collecting folk music, Meshi made interview series by dictaphone with underprivileged adults and children. Their precious thoughts and feelings have transformated into songs by Meshi and her musician friends.
The melodies originate in folk traditions, but you will find some of her own words and melodies incorporated. Pop, jazz, classical and folk music interlocks tenderly to create something unique together. Hungarian, Turkish and Moroccan musicians integrate this musical diversity into authentic and complete songs.
Whilst listening to these songs, we can find ourselves in a rich texture made of fates, music styles and cultures.