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Tom-Tom Studio

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CD store

Illényi Katica
Mézillatú Nyár
Format: CD
Date of release: 2005-05-26

A violin virtuoso, Katica is also an original stage performer, singing and dancing as well on her concerts. These performances aim on giving back the feel of the Twenties, Thirties, Forties, the era of swing, and this is achieved not only musically but through stage customes and scenery as well. All this and the charm which surrounds her takes us into an other time.  This album, a recording of one of these shows at the theatre Thália in 2004, is the artist’s second album, the first being Premier (2002, also at Tom – Tom Records), which earned her a great deal of success. The songs on the record mainly consist of swing standards but musical and movie songs are also found on the disc. To recreate the ambience of the live show, two video footages are included on the CD.

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